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🎵 IT014: Nautical Dusk
✏️ Megan Reddi
🗓 29.08.18
Megan is a freelance illustrator based in Birmingham, UK.
What’s up Megan, can you tell us a little bit about your tape and your song selections?
Helloo, thanks for having me! I wanted my tape to capture the feeling of those long, sticky evenings you get towards the end of summer - where you’re outside as the sun starts coming down, there’s a little breeze, everything feels so carefree and chilled out. I love those sorts of evenings and I wanted to make a tape that tried to recreate that.
How did you go about the artwork for the tape?
It happened quite naturally, actually! I started off with the music and once I had that sorted, I listened to the playlist a few times and the imagery just sort of fell out onto the page. Once I’d got the idea sketched out on paper I then moved onto my iPad and put everything together on Procreate. It was a really nice process, it felt very effortless (for once!).
What are your fave album covers, records with a great music and artwork combo, or musical projects with a visual component?
So many, that’s such a hard question! I love a lot of the Talking Heads album covers - they’re all super graphic and playful which I think what I like most in an image.

Remain In Light – Talking Heads
Sire, 1980
Concept: Tina Weymouth and Chris Frantz.
Design Direction: Tibor Kalman, M&Co
Computer images: HCL, JPT, DDD, Walter GP, Paul, C/T

Speaking in Tongues – Talking Heads
Sire, 1983
Design: David Byrne
In terms of nailing the music/artwork combo - the cover for ‘Heroes’ by Bowie is just 110% perfect for that album.

Heroes – David Bowie
1977, RCA
Photography: Masayoshi Sukita
What did you listen to growing up?
A big mix of stuff! My parents were huge music lovers and my dad was a guitarist so there was always music playing when I was growing up - lots of David Bowie, Led Zeppelin, Suzanne Vega and Paul Simon. My parents were also massively into mixtapes and had one for every possible occasion so I also grew up listening to a lot of eclectic mixes that my parents had put together.
What’s happening in your creative world at the moment?
Ooh lots of fun stuff! I’ve just finished up some illustrations for a kids book and now I’m working on some illustrations for a children’s book that i’ve written. I’m also taking part in an Autumn-themed group show with Drip For Drip editions and my pals over at The Pretty Picture Club, which should be really fun!
Where to find Megan:
︎ meganmakesillustrations.co.uk
︎ meganmakesillustrations
︎ meganmakesillos
︎ behance.net/MeganMakesIllos
Delta Sleep - El Pastor / Bombay Bicycle Club - It's Alright Now / King Harvest - Dancing In The Moonlight / Fleetwood Mac - Everywhere / Talking Heads - And She Was / Lykke Li - Dance, Dance, Dance / Joni Mitchell - California / Bombay Bicycle Club - Ivy & Gold / Laura Marling - Crawled Out Of The Sea (Interlude) / Tubelord - In Greenland / Talking Heads - This Must Be the Place (Naive Melody) / David Bowie - Dancing Out In Space / Paul Weller - Instrumental (Pt. 2) / Steely Dan - Dirty Work / Bombay Bicycle Club - So Long, See You Tomorrow ︎