🎵 IT006: Brasil
✏️ Marja de Sanctis
🗓 08.05.18
Marja is an illustrator and designer based in London, UK.
Hey Marja, Can you tell us a little bit about your tape and your song selections?
Hello Illustrated Tapes gang! I am from Brazil but have not been there since 1998! I believe that listening to Brazilian music over all this years made me feel connected to my roots and reinforced my memory related to my identity. My song selection came from the meaning that Brazilian music has to me and also for my love for it. With this selection I wanted to recall a few samples of what I have been listening to since then.
“Arrepio”, the first song of the selection is a song that I would listen to forever in Italy, when I had just arrived from Brazil. Before I left, a friend of mine made this tape for me saying that this way I wouldn’t forget her :-)
The other songs that followed accompanied me in this journey and I ended the selection with another song from that old mixtape, “Magamalabares”.
I have also selected recent songs that I am very much liking at the moment, like the ones from Anitta, Pablo Vittar, Alice Caymmi and Jaloo. I hope you’ll like my selection and thank you for having me on board!
✏️ Marja de Sanctis
🗓 08.05.18
Marja is an illustrator and designer based in London, UK.
Hey Marja, Can you tell us a little bit about your tape and your song selections?
Hello Illustrated Tapes gang! I am from Brazil but have not been there since 1998! I believe that listening to Brazilian music over all this years made me feel connected to my roots and reinforced my memory related to my identity. My song selection came from the meaning that Brazilian music has to me and also for my love for it. With this selection I wanted to recall a few samples of what I have been listening to since then.
“Arrepio”, the first song of the selection is a song that I would listen to forever in Italy, when I had just arrived from Brazil. Before I left, a friend of mine made this tape for me saying that this way I wouldn’t forget her :-)
The other songs that followed accompanied me in this journey and I ended the selection with another song from that old mixtape, “Magamalabares”.
I have also selected recent songs that I am very much liking at the moment, like the ones from Anitta, Pablo Vittar, Alice Caymmi and Jaloo. I hope you’ll like my selection and thank you for having me on board!
How did you go about the artwork for the tape?
I thought of music and the stereotype of singing in the shower. To give it a Brazilian taste I added some tropical plants to the mix.
What are your fave album covers, records with a great music and artwork combo, or musical projects with a visual component?
I don’t think I have a favourite album cover but there’s one in particular that always caught my attention and makes laugh a bit: King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King. I have also always liked Bjork’s Post and Nirvana’s Nevermind covers. I am not sure if the preference here is related to aesthetics or to some memory that they evoke.

In The Court Of The Crimson King (An Observation By King Crimson) – King Crimson
1969, Island
Artwork: Barry Godber

Post – Björk
1995, One Little Indian
Design: Me Company
Photography: Stephane Sednaoui

Nevermind – Nirvana
1991, DGC / Sub Pop
Art direction, design: Robert Fisher
Photography: Kirk Weddle
What did you listen to growing up?
As a child my mother would always have the radio on and I must say she greatly influenced my taste and ears. The music played would be MPB (popular brazilian music) and classical. She would also play songs ranging from Astor Piazzola to the Blade Runner soundtrack. As a teenager and having started to be more autonomous in my choices I listened to Brazilian rock bands, grunge, Britpop (I was a huge fan of Elastica!) etc.
What’s happening in your creative world at the moment?
I am now making ceramics and I am really enjoying it. I have also started using my animations to perform live visuals in gigs.
Where to find Marja:
︎ marja.co
︎ marjadesanctis
︎ @marjadesanctis
︎ /marjadesanctis
Marisa Monte - Arrepio / Jaloo - Chuva / Céu - Varanda Suspensa / Cartola - O Mundo É Um Moinho / Alice Caymmi - Louca / Pabllo Vittar - K.O. / Anitta - Vai malandra (feat. Tropkillaz & DJ Yuri Martins) / Mc João - Baile de Favela (DJ R7 Mix / Pabllo Vittar - Corpo Sensual / Jaloo - Oblivion / NU (Naked Universe) - Governador Valadares / Mart'nália - Entretanto - Ao Vivo / Mallu Magalhães - Sambinha Bom / Karina Buhr - Eu Sou um Monstro / Alice Caymmi - Princesa / Tom Zé - Tô / Céu - Perfume do Invisível / Tom Zé - Toc [Instrumental] / Marisa Monte - Magamalabares ︎